This is quite a small post and probably not worth writing it but I know that this will come in handy in the future and will totally forget about it.

The other day I was trying to figure out an Autolayout crash on the app I was working on and trying to make head of tails from the console log with stuff like this:

<NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint:0x175086220 h=-&- v=-&- UIView:0x147533250.height == UIView:0x14760b4a0.height>

Imagine that but with many interacting UIViews at play; most of the time you can actually figure what’s going on based on the constant value or if you are well versed you can see the Matrix from source code a la Neo; but let’s be honest; more times than none you are left wondering which view is which…

accessibilityLabel to the rescue

Looking around how to set debug names for views/constraints I found out that setting the accessibilityLabel of UIViews will appear in the console log next to the horrible mess that I showed above in this post making things more «human readable».

Basically «abusing» accessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier we can help us figure out those pesky autolayout crashes.

We use Storyboards in our projects; like I’ve said before:

…yes, we use storyboards, we are drinking Apple’s “Kool-Aid”…

Which makes it really easy to set that accessibilityLabel and accessibilityIdentifier directly from InterfaceBuilder; sadly this time the issue was happening while generating some UI via code. This doesn’t make this any less useful; those traits can be set via code as well 🎉

That way at least you can infer something like this:

loginTextView tail constraint of 10 with logoImageView leading

logoImageView top constraint of 15 to topLayout

That’s obviously pseudocode but you get the idea; knowing which views are actually interacting with the crash helps figure out why and how to fix them.