I first began getting involved in talks around 2012 when I started organizing «Tech Talks» where I used to work at the time.

Since then I have given many talks at the local CocoaHeads and like to try sending proposals to many conference around the globe.

Upcoming Talks

Past Talks

Date Topic Conference Link
2017-09-15 Facing the VIPER NSSpain VideoSlides
2017-02-16 MVVM(DC):
Taming your architecture
MobOS Slides
2016-10-16 Hacking (?) SiriKi Mobilization Slides
2016-09-16 MVVM + RxSwift+
NSSpain Slides
2016-06-28 Xcode’s 8
Source Editor Extensions
Costa Rica
2016-05-26 MVVM + RxSwift
+ DataControllers
iOScon VideoSlides
2015-04-21 Continuos Delivery
for iOS Apps
Costa Rica
2015-06-12 Using Jekyll
& Octopress
Log(n) Tech Talks Slides